
ANSI Congratulates Automotive lift Institute on 75th Anniversary

ANSI Congratulates ALI on 75th Anniversary

ANSI Congratulates ALI on 75 Years

The Automotive Lift Institute offices have a little more sparkle thanks to our friends at the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The ANSI team recently sent us this beautiful crystal piece to commemorate our 75th anniversary.

ALI’s relationship with ANSI goes back almost four decades. ANSI approved the first lift performance standard written by ALI in 1974. Today, we’re credentialed by ANSI (accreditation ID #0584) and recognized as an Accredited Standards Developer and Product Certification Organization. Both the ALI Automotive Lift Certification Program and the ALI Lift Inspector Certification Program are ANSI accredited.

“ANSI proudly recognizes the contributions that the Automotive Lift Institute  has made over the past decades to support the quality and safety of automotive lifts through standardization,” wrote S. Joe Bhatia, ANSI president and CEO. “We commend ALI’s record of success as an ANSI-accredited standards developer, and your commitment to promoting the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lifts.”

Want to learn more about our 75 years of watching out for you? Check out our new history page!

Learn more about ALI’s 75 years