Lifting It Right

Every time you walk under a car on a lift, you’re trusting that lift with your life. You need to be confident that the lift has been properly certified, maintained, inspected and set up so you can get to work without worries. After all, your friends and family are counting on you to come home at the end of the day.

You probably already know the basics of how to use a car lift, but there’s always room for improvement. For more than 30 years, the Automotive Lift Institute and our members have taught millions of lift operators the right way to use car lifts through the Lifting It Right program. Originally offered as a safety manual and later combined with a training video, Lifting It Right has been completely updated and modernized and is now available as an interactive online course.

Lifting It Right explains the right way to lift a vehicle without causing injury or property damage. It provides guidance on spotting and lifting a vehicle, as well as preparing the service bay, maintaining load stability, lowering the lift and lift maintenance. It is a good overview and supplement to training on your specific lift.

The interactive, online course is available in English or Spanish and can be taken with a computer or mobile device. Most people finish it in an hour or less. At the end, a certificate of completion is stored online for easy access if a shop needs to produce training records to prove compliance with local and national safety training requirements.

Standard pricing for the online course is $20 per participant for English or Spanish. An annual subscription provides access to the course for every employee in a single location for a year. The subscription makes it easier for facilities to train new employees, provides significant cost savings for larger organizations and simplifies payment.

Lifting It Right: School Edition is available as an annual subscription that provides unlimited access per school for high schools, trade schools and technical schools. It’s available exclusively through S/P2.

ALI certified Lift lifting it right