InLift Inspectorappropriate Labeling of “Remanufactured” Automotive Lift

CORTLAND, NY – (September 4, 2020) The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI), has filed a formal complaint that the Standard for Industrial Control Panels, UL 508A, has been misapplied to certain automotive lifts “Remanufactured” by EQ Renew Inc. and represents a potential safety concern.

EQ Renew InLift Inspectorappropriate Labeling of “Remanufactured” Automotive Lift Buyer Beware

Authorities Having Jurisdiction, lift purchasers, and users are advised the “Remanufactured” Advantage Lift Systems products depicting a listing to UL508A, do not address the appropriate electrical and mechanical safety listing requirements of electrically-operated equipment in the workplace and that ANSI B153.1 has been a withdrawn standard since the ALCTV standard originally became effective in 2000.


Per UL 508A, Clause 1.4: An industrial control panel does not include an evaluation of the controlled equipment such as motors, heaters, lighting, and other loads connected to power circuits.”  UL 508A is the incorrect standard to solely evaluate equipment installed in a location determined by the Authority Having Jurisdiction to be a Hazardous (Classified) Location and should not be utilized for panels intended to be installed in such locations.  Automotive service and repair garages are considered to be a Hazardous Location. Automotive lifts are evaluated for and intended for use in, these Hazardous Locations. The correct standard to apply for an automotive lift and its controls is ANSI/ALI ALCTV. Application and evaluation against the correct standard requires additional evaluation and listing to ANSI/UL201. Evidence of listing requires automotive lifts to bear a valid Certification Mark to the current national safety standards. All Automotive Lifts bearing such evidence will have the words “Certified Automotive Lift” clearly identified on the listing label.


When considering the placement of any automotive lift, consult the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and document the requirements cited such as those within the International Building Code (IBC) or relevant Provincial regulations.

Download EQ Renew (508A) Buyer Beware


Janelle Storey at 607-756-7775 or [email protected]

Automotive Lift Institute  P.O. Box 85, Cortland, NY 13045