CORTLAND, NY – (March 20, 2025) The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI), an ANAB accredited product and services certification body (Accreditation ID# 0584), hereby makes public announcement that copycat automotive lift inspection labels applied throughout multiple locations in Texas have led to a settlement agreement just prior to litigation.
A consumer who had contracted car lift inspection services initiated an inquiry resulting in the identification of copycat inspection labels and unauthorized use and modification of ALI’s intellectual properties. Vector Facility Management in Arlington, TX is not affiliated in any manner with ALI and at the time of this Buyer Beware posting, never had inspectors or involvement with ALI’s Lift Inspector Certification Program.
ALI’s position leading to the settlement agreement is clear that such actions unethically lead shop owners, service technicians, Department of Transportation inspectors, and Occupational Health and Safety officials to believe that an inspection supported by ALI had occurred. Both the fraudulent labels depicted in this Buyer Beware and the modified inspection forms created were based on ALI’s copyrighted annual inspection label and inspection reports and they were applied outside of the requirements of ALI’s program. One of the requirements of the settlement is for each copycat label to be removed by Vector within 30 days of the agreement. Automotive lifts bearing the label depicted should have this label removed immediately, and the lift should be re-inspected by a qualified lift inspector.
As of this notice, ALI has received no report of damage or injury related to this counterfeit inspection service. However, consumers with lifts bearing these labels (depicted above) are advised to contact ALI immediately. To locate the ALI Certified Inspector nearest to you, visit the Directory of ALI Certified Lift Inspection Providers at
ALI continues to promote the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lift products. The integrity of the ALI annual inspection label, the ALI Certified Inspector mark, and of ALI’s Lift Inspector Certification Program are of paramount importance to service bay safety.
Janelle Storey at 607-756-7775 or [email protected]
Automotive Lift Institute P.O. Box 85, Cortland, NY 13045