CORTLAND, NY – (December 6, 2022) The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI), an ANAB accredited product and services certification body (Accreditation ID# 0584), hereby makes public announcement that fraudulent automotive lift inspection services have been performed in Montana. The company, “Liftech” in Missoula, MT is not affiliated in any manner with ALI and the use of the word “Certified” and “ALI License #1581” is misleading and inaccurate.

The Inspector ID number, depicted on the inspection report below as “ALI License #1581”, is not associated with any currently ALI certified lift inspector and has never been assigned by ALI to LiftTech. It was withdrawn by ALI in 2018. Any use since that time is a clear attempt to mislead consumers and other industry stakeholders. Additionally, the forms do not represent the complete inspection requirements of the current American National Standard and should not be confused with an ALI Check 360™ Certified Lift Inspection that can only be provided by Lift Inspectors certified by ALI. ALI will defend against the fraudulent use of the term “Certified”, “ALI License #1581” and any other attempts to negatively impact consumer safety or the reputation of ALI’s accredited certification programs.

According to ALI President R.W. (Bob) O’Gorman – “This inspection report and label are misleading and potentially confusing to consumers and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) as it includes the numbers “1581” and the term “Certified”, thereby fraudulently implying the lift inspection services are ALI Certified.” At the time of this Buyer Beware posting, no other vehicle lift certification program exists that would meet industry or court recognized definitions supporting the term “Certified” and there have been no reports of damage or injury presented to ALI related to this inspection service.

Consumers with lifts bearing these labels (depicted above) are advised to contact ALI immediately. To locate the ALI Certified Inspector nearest to you, visit the Directory of ALI Certified Lift Inspection Providers at ALI continues to promote the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lift products. The integrity of the ALI annual inspection label and the ALI Certified Inspector mark are of paramount importance.




Janelle Storey at 607-756-7775 or [email protected]

Automotive Lift Institute P.O. Box 85, Cortland, NY 13045