Unauthorized Claim of “ALI Approved” Inspection Reports

Lift Inspector

Liftlocker.com and Safety Locker Industries are not affiliated with ALI.

(November 11, 2021) The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI), an ANAB accredited product certification body (Accreditation ID# 0584), hereby makes public announcement that an unauthorized claim of “ALI approved” inspection reports was reported by multiple industry stakeholders during a recent industry tradeshow.


Lift Locker is NOT, and has never been, a recognized partner of ALI or a Participant in ALI’s Automotive Lift Inspector Certification Program and, as of this “Buyer Beware” posting, is NOT authorized to infer “approval” or acceptance by ALI of their lift inspection reporting software or to use the content of ALI’s copyrighted intellectual property, including but not limited to, the ANSI/ALI ALOIM Standard and the ALI Lift Inspection Report(s).


Lift inspection providers using the Lift Locker software are advised that it has not been reviewed or accepted by ALI. In addition, ALI cannot support any inspections completed using this software and further cautions against the use of a platform that is not authorized or liscensed to protect ALI’s copyrighted standards or inspection report content.

ALI continues to promote the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lift products. The integrity of the ALI’s copyrighted standards or inspection report content are of paramount importance.