CORTLAND, NY – (June 28, 2024)1 The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI), an ANSI accredited product certification body (Accreditation ID# 0584), hereby makes public announcement that copycat lift inspection labels have been found in Hawaii.

Tech-Center Hawaii is NOT, and has never been, a recognized Participant in ALI’s Automotive Lift Inspector Certification Program and, as of this “Buyer Beware” posting, is NOT authorized to infer certification. The label depicted has manipulated ALI’s trademarked Certified Lift Inspector mark in a way that is fraudulent and misleading to consumers. The claim presenting “certified lift inspector” IS FALSE.
The manipulation and use of ALI’s Certified Lift Inspector mark on an unauthorized inspection label unethically leads shop owners, service technicians, Department of Transportation inspectors, and Occupational Health and Safety officials to believe that an inspection performed by an ALI Certified Inspector has occurred. The fraudulent label depicted has been applied by a company that is not affiliated with ALI in any way. Automotive lifts bearing the label depicted should have this label removed immediately, and the lift should be re-inspected by a qualified lift inspector.
“It is really sad that people are willing to act unethically and mislead hardworking shop owners who are just trying to keep themselves and their workers safe by having their lifts inspected as required by national safety standards,” says ALI President R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman. “Tech-Center Hawaii is misrepresenting its credentials and taking advantage of the goodwill generated by the ALI Lift Inspector Certification program to offer a counterfeit lift inspection. To combat fraud, protect themselves and ensure that the lift inspection they receive meets the requirements of the national standard governing lift operation, inspection and maintenance, ANSI/ALI ALOIM (current edition), lift owners should always demand a Check360 Certified Lift Inspection. It’s the only lift inspection backed by ALI and is available only from ALI Certified Lift Inspectors.”
The Check360™ Certified Lift Inspection is a comprehensive examination of the lift structure as well as its electrical and mechanical components. The inspection also includes a review of training logs, operating instructions and safety materials. To ensure consistency and compliance, only ALI Certified Lift Inspectors can perform a Check360 lift inspection. ALI Certified Inspectors have been independently tested and certified by ALI as qualified to inspect any type of lift. At the conclusion of the inspection, the inspector will provide the customer with a thorough report of the results and will apply a new Check360 Certified Lift Inspection label to every lift that passes. The label features the Check360 mark in the center, the ALI Certified Lift Inspector hologram, a serial number matching the inspection report number, and the inspector’s individual four-digit ID. There is a new label color every year.
As of this notice, there have been no reports of damage or injury presented to ALI related to this counterfeit inspection service. Consumers with lifts bearing these labels (depicted above) are advised to contact ALI immediately and seek out inspection services from a qualified lift inspector. To locate the ALI Certified Inspector nearest to you, visit the Directory of ALI Certified Lift Inspection Providers at
ALI continues to promote the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lift products. The integrity of the ALI annual inspection label and the ALI Certified Inspector mark are of paramount importance.
Janelle Storey at 607-756-7775 or [email protected]
Automotive Lift Institute P.O. Box 85, Cortland, NY 13045
- updated September 25, 2024 ↩︎