Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) and NOCTI Sign Marketing Agreement

Richard Petty witnesses agreement signing at annual Pettys Garage Car Show

 ALI NOCTI KingRandleman, N.C. (Oct. 13, 2015) – Automotive Lift Institute (ALI), the industry association focused on vehicle lift safety, and NOCTI, the leader in creating customized and standardized credentialing solutions for secondary and post-secondary career and technical education programs, have agreed to work together to promote NOCTI’s automotive-related credentials and ALI’s Lifting It Right online lift safety training course. Representatives of the two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding during the annual Petty’s Garage Car Show presented by ALI in Randleman, North Carolina, last week.

Under the agreement, NOCTI will help promote Lifting It Right, an interactive, online vehicle lift safety certificate course hosted by NASCAR legends Richard and Kyle Petty. Richard Petty witnessed the agreement signing in his office. “It has been my pleasure to help educate technicians about lift safety for the past nine years,” he said. “I look forward to the additional exposure this agreement with NOCTI will provide to ALI’s lift safety message and Lifting It Right.”

ALI agreed to work with NOCTI to promote its automotive-related credentials, such as Automotive Technician – Advanced, Collision Repair, and Heavy Equipment Maintenance and Repair.

“We believe this is a great partnership that will enhance the skills training of anyone working with any sort of vehicle – from motorcycles to big rigs – and more importantly, it will help keep technicians safe,” said John C. Foster, Ph.D., president and CEO of NOCTI. “We also look forward to building on this initiative with our friends at ALI.”

R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman said the agreement is a natural fit between two organizations due to their mutual interest in technical education.

“Of course, Dr. Foster and I can’t take all the credit,” O’Gorman said. “NOCTI-affiliated instructors have been reaching out for several months to encourage a working relationship at the national level. The more we looked at it, the more we were convinced that it just made sense for the instructors who need this course and for the technicians who will enter the industry in the future.”

For more information about ALI, visit or call 607-756-7775. You can also connect with ALI on Facebook at, on Twitter at and on YouTube at To learn more about NOCTI, visit or call (800) 334-6283. Connect with NOCTI on Facebook at, on Twitter at and on YouTube at

About ALI

Founded in 1945, the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) is a trade association of North American-based lift manufacturers. ALI’s mission is to promote the safe design, construction, installation, service, inspection and use of automotive lifts. In 1947, ALI developed the first Commercial Standard covering vehicle lifts published by the National Bureau of Standards. Today, ALI sponsors several national lift safety standards and offers third-party certification programs for automotive lifts and automotive lift inspectors.


NOCTI provides curricular and instructional improvement tools for secondary and post-secondary institutions. In addition to over 100 industry-based credentials, NOCTI also works with customers to create customized solutions. Services include job and task analysis, assessment construction, assessment delivery, credentialing, score reporting, score interpretation, digital badging and professional development workshops. Nocti Business Solutions, a subsidiary of NOCTI, addresses the needs of business/industry by offering customized solutions to enhance workplace productivity.


Editor’s Note:

Caption: Richard Petty witnessed the signing of an agreement between the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) and NOCTI in his office during the Petty’s Garage Car Show presented by ALI last week. R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman, president of ALI, (left) and John C. Foster, Ph.D., president and CEO of NOCTI (right) signed the memorandum of understanding outlining how their organizations will work together to promote ALI’s Lifting It Right online lift safety training course and NOCTI’s automotive-related credentials.

Media Contact:

Kristen Simpson

Simpson Communications

[email protected]


