Automotive Lift Institute Recognized by Standards Engineering Society


 Cortland N.Y. – March 21, 2006 – The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI) was recognized as one of over 30 standards developing organizations, federal agencies, and companies that illustrate the positive impact the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) has had since it was signed into law March 7, 1996.

In recognizing the NTTAA’s 10th anniversary, the Standards Engineering Society (SES) has developed a publication that is receiving widespread distribution among Congressional staffers, federal standards executives on the Interagency Committee for Standard Policy, and standards developing organizations. Standards Engineering Society President, James K. Walters states “The importance of standards is something that should receive proper recognition. The Standards Engineering Society hopes that this publication will provide examples of standards successes that  can be used by standards practitioners to raise awareness among policy makers and senior leadership in government and industry about the benefits of voluntary consensus standards.”

The NTTAA requires that all federal agencies use standards developed by voluntary consensus standards bodies instead of government-unique standards whenever possible. Some of the other benefits of the NTTAA partnership include improving the effectiveness of government and promoting public safety. The Automotive Lift Institute was founded in 1945 and maintains a strong mission of promoting the safe design, construction, installation and use of automotive lift products. To obtain a copy of the Standards Engineering Society publication recognizing the 10th anniversary of the NTTAA, visit Additional information regarding the Automotive Lift Institute can be obtained by visiting


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