False Claim of CE, CSA, and ANSI Marks

CORTLAND, NY – (July 29, 2021) The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) warns of false claims of CE, ETL, CSA, and ANSI compliance through improper use of product marks on Daytona Automotive Equipment (Budget Automotive Equipment Inc.) product fliers and web pages. At the time of this Buyer Beware posting 44 fliers, represented on individual web pages, contained one or more inappropriate and misleading depictions of the CE, ETL, CSA, or ANSI product certification marks.

The ANSI certification mark depicted on these product fliers is only authorized to be used by accredited certification agencies. As of this Buyer Beware, only the Automotive Lift Institute is accredited by ANSI for automotive lift evaluations. The use of ANSI’s mark is inappropriate and not authorized for use by Budget Automotive Equipment.

The CE mark claiming “Tested and Certified to EN 13241.1” is false and misleading. EN 13241.1 is the standard for Industrial, commercial and garage doors and gates. Use of EN 13241.1 to evaluate an automotive lift represents a misapplication of the European certification system. The CE mark applied in this manner is inappropriate.
As of this Buyer Beware notification, Budget Automotive Equipment does not appear in the online CSA Group Product Listing. Therefore, the use of CSA certification mark is not authorized.

Unauthorized use of these marks represents counterfeit product safety listing and labeling activities. This fraudulent misrepresentation unethically leads shop owners, service technicians, and Authorities Having Jurisdiction, such as Ministry of Labour and Occupational Health and Safety officials to believe that product safety evaluations and listings have occurred in accordance with known standards and independent testing and certification requirements defined by national safety standards. Budget Automotive Equipment previously participated in ALI’s Lift Certification Program and is knowledgeable of the certification requirements and standards required to claim and demonstrate compliance.

If you are concerned about the possibility of electrical or mechanical safety issues, please contact ALI and your employer’s health and safety representative. Other resources for consumers to report automotive lift-related concerns relating to counterfeit certification labels include the Provincial Ministry of Labour, CSA, and your nearest regional OSHA office.

Intentionally applying fraudulent product safety labels is irresponsible and violates public trust. This public safety notice supports ALI’s mission to promote the safe design, construction, installation, inspection, and use of automotive lifts.


Janelle Storey at 607-756-7775 or [email protected]
Automotive Lift Institute P.O. Box 85, Cortland, NY 13045