Industry Association (TIA) Renews ALI Strategic Safety Alliance

To :R.W. (Bob) O’Gorman
From: Christine Bell
Date: March 10, 2009
Subject: Tire Industry Association (TIA)/ Automotive Lift Institute – Strategic Safety Alliance

I am pleased to announce the TIA Training Dept.’ s intent to continue the formal Strategic Safety Alliance with the Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALl) through May of 20 11.

The ALl’s mission statement of promoting the safe design, construction, installation and use of automotive lift products has been recognized as a program offering tremendous benefit to our organization.

Many ofthe available safety materials developed by ALl are recognized as American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved national standards or are commonly referenced and/or provided with new lifts and recognized by many of the largest and most respected lift manufacturers. The safety supplies that ALl provides are an integral part of TIA’ s Automotive Tire Service (ATS) training program and add value and credibility to our Vehicle Lifting training module.

TIA’s ATS training includes not only a detailed video, following the best practices outlined in your safety materials, but also hands-on instruction and demonstrations involving the use of your ALl lifting point reference guide. Furthermore, our certified technicians and instructors have to pass a written examination, which involves the use of the lifting point reference guide to correctly identify a vehicle’s proper lifting points. With the continuation of our alliance, we hope to help our members with their continuing training and development.


Christine Bell
Auto Lift Institute
Director of Training
Tire Industry Association