Lift Association Elects Officers & Directors Nov 2009


November 2009, Cortland, NY – During the Association’s Annual Membership Meeting held recently in Las Vegas in conjunction with the AAPEX/SEMA shows, Jerry Lentz of Challenger Lifts, Inc. (Louisville, KY) was recognized for his contributions to the Certified Auto Liftsorganization. Lentz recently completed a three year term as Chairman of the Board of Directors and now serves as Past Chair.

 In other business, ALI members elected the following officers for the coming year: Doug Grunnet of Stertil-ALM (Streator, IL) -Chairman of the Board of Directors; Gary Kennon of Vehicle Service Group (Madison, IN), Gary DiAngelo of  Wheeltronic Ltd. (Mississauga, ON), Jeff Kritzer of BendPak, Inc. (Santa Paula, CA), Rick Wells of Mohawk Resources Ltd (Amsterdam, NY), Pete Liebetreu of Hunter Engineering Co. (Bridgeton, MO), and R.W. (Bob) O’Gorman (ALI President) who was also reappointed as ALI Secretary/Treasurer.

For a list of member companies, details on ALI’s safety activities, or for information on obtaining available lift safety and inspection materials, visit our website at