Lift Inspector Certification Program Drives Staff Expansion


Cortland, NY – August 25, 2011 – Dale W. Soos has joined theAutomotive Lift Institute (ALI) as a Senior Project Engineer in the company’s Cortland, NY headquarters. In his position, Soos will be responsible for completing the development of the Lift Inspector Certification Program and assuring its successful implementation.

Soos holds a degree in mechanical engineering from BuffaloState College, is a memAuto Liftsber of the American Society of Safety Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and has been active in the field of commercial, industrial, and consumer product safety for more than 20 years. Prior to joining ALI, key product safety positions held within Intertek Testing Services included the role of Lead Engineer for ALI’s Lift Safety Certification Program, ETL’s commercial garage equipment listing service, and paint spray booths. Most recently he served as staff engineer for large wind turbine generator evaluations, approvals, and certification.

According to R.W. (Bob) O’Gorman, President of ALI, “Dale’s expertise in the area of automotive lifts, including their practical application and our industry’s safety concerns, when coupled with his relevant experience in those other industries and roles, provides a unique insight into the factors and obstacles present as they relate to supporting today’s automotive lift inspection service companies and their inspectors.”

With the growing demand for qualified people to perform annual safety inspections of automotive lifts from industry stakeholders such as lift users, government regulators, and the insurance industry, ALI accepted the challenge of developing an official certification for those inspectors.

The cornerstone of ALI’s Lift Inspector Certification Program effort is ANSI/ALI ALOIM (Current Edition) – the American National Safety Standard for Operation, Inspection, and Maintenance. O’Gorman believes the developing program holds promise to credential those doing the job right, while providing a model for those in need of improving their lift inspection skills.

Founded in 1945, the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) is a trade association of North American based lift manufacturers. ALI’s mission is to promote the safe design, construction, installation, service and use of automotive lifts. More information about lift standards and other ALI‐sponsored safety activities can be found at