New ALI Lifting It Right: School Edition Lift Safety Training Course Available Exclusively from S/P2

Agreement provides easy access to high schools, trade schools and technical schools

Cortland, New York (February 27, 2020) – S/P2 will be the exclusive supplier of a new “School Edition” of the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) Lifting It Right online car lift safety training course. The popular course will be available for purchase to the 3,000 high-school, post-secondary, and technical school programs in S/P2’s national network.Lift Safety Training Course

“When I met with educators from across the country last year at the ASE Education Foundation Instructors’ Conference, they were eager to get access to Lifting It Right for their students,” says R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman, ALI president. “S/P2 is the preferred learning management system provider for schools in the United States and is strongly aligned with the ASE Education Foundation. Partnering with them gives us broader reach for the course and makes it easy for schools to add it to their curriculums.”

Lifting It Right: School Edition is an interactive, online course that covers the wide variety of lift types used in professional vehicle service and repair shops, proper lifting and lowering, and the importance of planned lift maintenance. A narrator guides the student through each section, highlighting safety measures with easy-to-understand instructions and relevant scenarios. The student learns which lifts work best for certain jobs, as well as best practices for spotting a vehicle, selecting proper adapters and working under the vehicle. Real-world scenarios with corresponding questions are presented throughout to gauge comprehension. At the conclusion of the program, a certificate of completion is generated and stored online.

“Safety is clearly important to S/P2, so teaming up with the Automotive Lift Institute to provide comprehensive lift training fits perfectly with our goals,” says Kyle Holt, president of S/P2.

Lifting It Right: School Edition is available for schools to purchase at The course can be taken on a computer or mobile device in about an hour.



For more information about Lifting It Right and other ALI lift safety materials, visit or call (607) 756-7775. You can also connect with ALI on Facebook at, on Twitter at, and on YouTube at


About ALI

The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) celebrates 75 years of serving as the lift industry safety watchdog in 2020. Its mission is to promote the safe design, construction, installation, service, inspection and use of automotive lifts. In 1947, ALI developed the first Commercial Standard covering vehicle lifts published by the National Bureau of Standards. Today, ALI sponsors several national lift safety standards and offers third-party certification programs for automotive lifts and automotive lift inspectors.


About S/P2

Each year, S/P2 provides online training to more than 200,000 career tech students nationwide on industry-specific safety and pollution prevention, ethics, soft skills, and human resources topics. S/P2 also provides S/P2 Careers – a recruiting platform of more than 50,000 entry-level students looking for career opportunities. S/P2 serves the automotive service, collision repair, heavy-duty/diesel, welding, construction, cosmetology, and culinary trades. For more information, visit




Editor’s Note: SP2_ALI Partner_releasead_sm.

Caption: ALI Lifting It Right: School Edition is available exclusively from S/P2.



Media Contact:

Kristen Simpson

Simpson Communications

[email protected]



