New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Workers’ Compensation Trust

New HampshireAutomobileDealersAssociation Workers’Compensation Trust

October 18, 2006
Mr. R.W. O’Gorman
Automotive Lift Institute, Inc.
P.O. Box 85
Cortland,NY 13045

Dear Mr. O’Gorman:

The New Hampshire Automobile Dealers Association Workers’ Compensation Trust (NHADAWCT) is pleased to enter into the Strategic Safety Alliance with the Auto)TIotiveLift Institute (ALl). The Automotive Lift Certification Program developed by ALl provides our members with assurance that the equipment they are purchasing meets specific quality, performance and safety standards.

The NHADA-WCT staff includes four full-time loss prevention (safety) specialists who provide the membership with safety consulting services, conduct safety audits and provide training on a wide range of automotive-specific safety topics. ALl’s new training video, “Lifting It Right”, and associated training material will prove invaluable in updating our automotive lift safety training program to meet current dealership needs, while providing compliance with OSHA regulations.

NHADA-WCT is pleased to be allied with ALl, and will actively distribute ALl informational
brochures, Safety Tip Placards, and Vehicle Lift Point Guides to our members as part of our
automotive lift safety program.

ALl is providing an invaluable contribution to the automotive service market, and we are pleased to be active participants in this effort. Employee safety should be a primary concern in any business operation. Keep up the good work.


Auto Lift Institute
Daniel B. McLeod
General Manager