NHADA WCT Compliance Corner

Compliance Corner: Lift Service Program
“Reduce Risk”

Ron Godbout, CSP
NHADA WCT Senior Loss Prevention Consultant

While OSHA doesn’t have a specific category for automotive lifts and other unique equipment, they refer to the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations on periodic maintenance and inspections. Virtually all of today’s lift manufacturers recommend annual inspection by a qualified lift service person. Various service routines are also required at specific intervals. Some of these can be performed by the lift operator, but there are specific tasks that are also earmarked for a qualified service person.

The American National Standards Institute defines a qualified lift service person as one who meets the requirements for knowledge, familiarity, and experience with electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical components specific to the lifts being serviced. They must also be experienced in installation and field service work.

After some intense research, we’ve found that several firms provide lift service. I spent several days shadowing lift service personnel, observing their performance of repairs and/or inspections.

Some of these firms provide lift service but fall short of offering a full inspection, since the inspection implies a higher degree of assurance that the unit is serviceable and will remain that way for a given period of time.

Only one firm we checked out provides a full-blown annual lift inspection. AHC, Corp., the exclusive service provider for Windward Petroleum in Manchester, includes a guarantee with their inspection that all components (except the motor) will remain serviceable for one year from the inspection date. Part of their inspection process involves disassembling, cleaning, checking and replacing specific components as needed, and lubrication of pre-determined wear points.

Newer building codes call for equipment installations being performed by qualified personnel.

In addition to vehicle lifts, AHC performs installation and service on compressors, tire machines, brake lathes, and other equipment commonly found in service shops.

AHC has agreed to provide special lift inspection pricing to NHADA members. The rates are incremental, depending on the number of lifts to be inspected. The basic rate for annual inspection of one to four lifts is $159 per lift. Five to nine lifts will be billed at $120 per lift. For ten or more lifts, the rate will be $100. These rates do not include any repair labor and parts but include the warranty mentioned above.

NHADA members may contact AHC directly to obtain these rates and schedule lift inspections and/or maintenance at 800-657-8770. If you have any questions about this program, please feel free to call me at 800-852-3372 or e-mail me at [email protected]