Lift Association Elects Officers & Directors Nov 2008


 November 2008, Cortland, NY – The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) re-elected Jerry Lentz of Challenger Lifts, Inc. (Louisville, KY) to a third term as Chairman of the Board of Directors, during the Association’s Annual Membership Meeting held recently in Las Vegas in conjunction with the AAPEX/SEMA shows.

Other Board members elected include: Rick Wells of Mohawk Resources Ltd. (Amsterdam, NY), Pete Liebetreu of Hunter Engineering Co. (Bridgeton, MO), Doug Grunnet of Stertil-ALM (Streator, IL), Jeff Kritzer of BendPak, Inc. (Santa Paula, CA), and Gary DiAngelo of Wheeltronic Ltd. (Mississauga, ON). Gary Kennon of Rotary Lift Consolidated (Madison, IN) continues to serve in the role as Past Chairman and R.W. (Bob) O’Gorman (ALI President) was remains as ALI Secretary/Treasurer.

Members, committed to ALI’s mission of promoting the safe design, construction, installation and use of automotive lift products, must adhere to strict industry standards and market lifts that bear the “Gold Label” of the ANSI Accredited ALI Automotive Lift Certified Lift Program. This label indicates that the lifts are tested and validated as complying with the rigid requirements of the ANSI National standard governing lift construction (ANSI/ALI ALCTV).

For a list of member companies, details on ALI’s safety activities, or for information on obtaining available lift inspection and safety materials, visit our website at