Public Announcement – Certification Labels


 The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI) an ANSI accredited product certification body, hereby makes public announcement that 66 of its Product Certification Labels have been lost, misplaced, or otherwise disposed by one of the ALI Program Participant Manufacturers.

The labels are individually serialized and are applied to certified automotive lifts to indicate product conformance with recognized American National Standards. If you have purchased a certified automotive lift since June 27, 2001, and it bears a certification label exhibiting one of the serial numbers shown on the list below, your lift may not be truly certified.

If you discover that you have such a lift and wish to determine the certification status, please furnish ALI with the name of the manufacturer, the manufacturer model and serial number and serial number shown on the certification label.

Send this information to:
Automotive Lift Institute, Inc.
PO Box 85
Cortland, NY 13045

Or by fax to: (607) 756-0888

Or by email to: [email protected]

ALI continues to promote the safe design, construction, installation and use of automotive lift products throughout North America. The integrity of the ALI Certification Label is of paramount importance.

Serial Number List:

AL0094501C         AL0094540C        AL0094597C         AL0094656C           AL0094709C

AL0094502C         AL0094541C        AL0094598C         AL0094657C           AL0094717C

AL0094503C         AL0094545C        AL0094599C         AL0094659C           AL0094721C

AL0094504C         AL0094547C        AL0094600C         AL0094662C           AL0094723C

AL0094505C         AL0094553C        AL0094601C         AL0094663C           AL0094724C

AL0094511C         AL0094565C        AL0094502C         AL0094667C           AL0094726C

AL0094513C         AL0094567C        AL0094607C         AL0094668C           AL0094730C

AL0094514C         AL0094572C        AL0094610C         AL0094671C           AL0094733C

AL0094524C         AL0094573C        AL0094611C         AL0094675C           AL0094734C

AL0094530C         AL0094579C        AL0094613C         AL0094676C           AL0094735C

AL0094531C         AL0094581C        AL0094637C         AL0094677C

AL0094537C         AL0094590C        AL0094645C         AL0094696C