Cortland N.Y. – January 3, 2017 – The Automotive Lift Institute, Inc. (ALI) announces the availability of the 2017 edition of ALI’s “VEHICLE LIFTING POINTS for FRAME ENGAGING LIFTS”.







This updated guide is a quick-reference single-source manual for lifting point information as recommended by the vehicle manufacturers.  The 70-page Lifting Point Guide (LP-G) for domestic and imported cars and light trucks uses over 200 undercarriage images to cover the most recent 25 model years.

For this new edition, the 2017 model year vehicles were added, some older images were revised, and additional cautionary notes were provided to clarify pick-up point locations for shop owners, technicians and other LP-Guide users.  The 2017 edition now includes a “Safe Lifting Suggestions” section providing additional guidance to those using a vehicle lift.

The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) sponsors this guide annually as an industry service, utilizing data furnished exclusively for ALI by Chek-Chart Products, MOTOR Information Systems. Many proactive companies and franchises now incorporate ALI’s LP-Guide and other safety materials as an integral component of their overall employee safety and training program.

Visit ALI’s website to order this updated guide, to locate automotive lift inspectors certified by ALI, or for information on other safety materials and standards sponsored by the lift manufacturers who support ALI’s mission of promoting the safe design, construction, installation and use of automotive lift products.  Your Safety Is Riding On It!








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